We work with a network of highly qualified national and international professionals. All trainers are highly qualified and experienced in therapeutic and/or artistic fields.
Franca Lena Casabonne
Nationally certified actress, non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, theater therapist DGfT reg., lecturer of the ITT and since 2018 board member of the DGfT.
Since 2019 own practice for systemic and interactive psychotherapy in Kreuzberg, as well as employed as a theater therapist at the Martin-Gropius-Hospital in the child and adolescent psychiatry. 2017 – 2019 employd at the Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg as a theater therapist on the ward for psychosomatics, 2014 as a theater therapist at the child and adolescent psychiatry of the University Hospital Cologne, 2013/14 as a creative therapist in the assisted living “Wege E.V. with anxiety patients, 2013-2015 at special needs schools in Cologne.

Dr. Fabian Chyle-Silvestri
Choreographer/performer, dance facilitator, dance/movement therapist, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and DanceAbilty® Master Trainer. Fabian Chyle-Silvestri realized transdisciplinary dance and performance projects, multi-year socio-cultural project series and symposia in the intersection of dance, performance, theory and research. 2016 PhD on “Body- and movement-based interventions with male offenders”.

Daniela Debald
M.A. in theater studies, philosophy and education. Drama and theater therapist (DGfT reg.) with clinical and system-oriented specialization.
Since 2010 working as drama/theater therapist in the field of psychiatry as well as clinical psychotherapy and psychosomatics, both in inpatient, partial inpatient and outpatient settings (GFO Kliniken Niederrhein, GFO Kliniken Troisdorf). Since 2014 lecturer in the vocational training courses in drama therapy at the Institute for Drama Therapy. Since 2015, together with Willi Seidel, director of the ITT continuing education courses in southern Germany, in collaboration with the Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences and the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg. Artistic activity as an actress and singer.

Nora Heil
Since 2009 drama therapist (Stenden University Leeuwarden/ DGfT reg). Has been working as a drama therapist with adults in inpatient settings at the Johanniter Specialist Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics in Treuenbrietzen since 2010. In addition, she worked in a crisis counseling center in Berlin. Since 2019 in training as a future vocational education lecturer at the Berlin location.

Jakob Heydemann
Drama therapist (DGfT reg.), non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, yoga teacher, certified actor, prospective lecturer for drama therapy at ITT. After studying acting, worked in independent productions and at theaters, studied yoga & meditation in India for several years, trained in yoga therapy, somatic body and movement therapy, body psychotherapy and finally in theater therapy at the ITT. Since then working in Berlin as a theater therapist for adults (individual and groups) both in private practice (since 2010) and employed in a day clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy (since 2018).

Ingrid Lutz
System-oriented theater therapist, MA in linguistics and communication science, Dipl. Päd. in applied theater, advanced training in systemic family therapy, Gestalt therapy and body-oriented methods, many years of training in Grotowski-oriented theater work. Since 1982 artistic, theater pedagogical and therapeutic work in various fields of work, e.g. with addicts, in psychiatry; with abused women, with sexual and violent offenders, etc., many years of teaching at universities and congresses at home and abroad (Peru, Israel, USA, Canada, …) and research projects on rituals and healing methods of other cultures, director and teaching supervisor of further training in theater therapy, own practice for supervision, coaching and theater therapy in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Member of the Advisory Board of the ITT Research Institute (R-ITT). Professor of theater therapy at the Nürtingen University of Art Therapy until Sept. 2017.

Bettina Merschmeyer
Social worker, lecturer for drama therapy and non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy with qualifications in drama therapy, depth psychological body therapy, systemic coaching and PEP (= process and embodiment-focused psychology according to Dr. Michael Bohne). Accompanies children, adolescents and adults in individual and group therapy in her own practice. Supports parents, foster parents and professionals in residential groups, kindergartens, schools, etc. through consultation and training (play and attachment development / basics of understanding trauma and specifics of trauma-related educational-therapeutic processes).

Klaus Möller
Breath teacher BVA®: Freelance actor and director (Freies Theater Tübingen); lecturer for body sensitization, breath-voice, directing, supervision at the Theater-Pädagogik-Zentrum e.V. Baden-Württemberg. Seminars in the field of pastoral care and spirituality (body and transparency); guest lecturer for bodywork at the Institute for Theater Therapy in Berlin; breathing therapy at the Hahnemann Day Clinic in Tübingen.

Dr. Susana Pendzik
Susana Pendzik PhD, RDT is a senior drama-therapist, trained in San Francisco, CA. She is a Registered Drama Therapist at NADTA (North American Drama Therapy Association), a founder and honorary member of the Swiss Dramatherapy Association, and an accredited supervisor by I.C.E.T. (Israeli Association of Creative and Expressive Therapies).
She lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, at the Tel-Hai Academic College in Israel, at the Dramatherapy Institute of Switzerland, of which she is also a program consultant and at the Institut für Theatertherapie, Berlin. Argentinian born, Susana has lived in Mexico and the U.S, and conducts workshops worldwide. She is a mother, a poet, a theatre director, and a researcher. She is the author of many articles on drama therapy, a book for using action techniques with abused women (Gruppenarbeit mit mißhandelten Frauen, 1999, AG SPAK Bücher; 2nd edition), and co-editor of the book Assessment in Drama Therapy (2011; Charles C. Thomas). Member of the Advisory Board of the ITT Research Institute (R-ITT).

Nisha Sajnani
has been director of the Dramatherapy Program at New York University since 2017; prior to that, she was a professor at Lesley University and director of Community Health at the Post Traumatic Stress Center in New Haven. She is also a past president of NADTA. Dr. Sajnani earned her doctorate in Interdisciplinary Studies from Concordia University, Montreal. She has published on culturally sensitive education in the arts therapies, embodied and performance research, trauma-sensitive therapy, and global mental health. She has research partnerships with the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma and the Foundation for the Arts and Trauma, and is Editor-in-Chief of Drama Therapy Review, an international journal on the relationship between theater improvisation, performance, and health. Member of the Advisory Board of the ITT Research Institute (R-ITT).

Anke Schäfer
M.A. Art and Theater in the Social. Drama and theater therapist (DGfT reg.) specialized in clinical and systemic work. As a drama therapist in the multidisciplinary PASO team of the UPC – University Psychiatric Center of the University Hospital Leuven (UZ Leuven, Belgium) she is involved in an EU pilot project to establish a day clinic for underage adolescents with trauma related disorders caused by recent experiences of escape. Since 2011 own practice as theater therapist, non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and coach in Cologne and Maastricht. Coach in international development cooperation for the Civil Peace Service and for the GIZ. Numerous projects and theater therapy workshops in Malaysia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, among others. Lecturer for Intermedial Therapy at the Alanus University. Cooperation with Armand Volkas in the field of transgenerational heritage, including a workshop in Auschwitz.
From 1995 to 2000 lecturer for video and media art at the Hogeschool Zuyd Maastricht. As video artist and filmmaker between 1990 and 2015, numerous art and film projects, grants, exhibitions and presentations internationally.
Between 2016 and 2021 research assistant in the bachelor program Art Therapy and Social Art at Alanus University. Board member of the WFKT – Wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft Künstlerische Therapien and the NVDT – Nederlandse Vereniging voor Drama Therapie. Together with Ingrid Lutz co-founder of the RITT Research Institute of the Institute for Drama Therapy.

Maren Schlüter
Drama therapist, clinical drama therapist in psychosomatic disorders and addiction. Nationally certified actress. Lecturer in improvisation and acting training, since 2018 in training to become a lecturer in vocational training for drama therapists.

Christine Schur
Drama therapist DGfT e.V. reg., coaching/supervision, adult education. Since 2019 theater therapist in psychosomatic clinic in the southern Black Forest, self-employed theater therapist/coach, many years of experience in adult education with a focus on work and health/rehab, various advanced trainings including “Landscapes of the Soul, Nature and Healing” (ITT), Systemic Constellation and Consulting (nature & healing, Switzerland).

Wilhelm Seidel
Wilhelm Seidel is a qualified designer, trained as an artistic therapist in drama / theatre therapy with a focus on system-oriented theatre therapy.
He has been a freelance business consultant since 2000 (Wilhelm Seidel Management Consulting) specialising in; organizational and staff development, recruitment and consulting, outplacement consulting, innovation and strategy consulting and corporate theatre.
He is a lecturer at the HFH in the DGFT/ ITT and Concept AG.
Previously he has worked as a designer, a marketing director as well as working as a senior manager in sales, marketing and human resource development.

Anna Seymour
PhD, Professor of Dramatherapy at the University of Roehampton, London and an international lecturer and speaker for various dramatherapy programs around the world. She researches the relationship between politics, theatrical aesthetics, and the therapeutic process. She has published articles on theater and dramatherapy and is editor of Dramatherapy: relationships, approaches, critical ideas (Routledge). Member of the Advisory Board of the ITT Research Institute (R-ITT).
Bettina Stoltenhoff-Erdmann
Bettina Stoltenhoff-Erdmann works as a drama/theatre therapist in Herdecke Community Hospital in the department of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine (inpatient and outpatient). She is a psychotherapy practioner and is trained in trauma counselling, DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) and systemic family therapy. For many years she has been a lecturer in drama and theatre therapy at the DGFT. She is co-editor of the two theatre therapy manuals: “Theatre Therapy" and “Learn to Live by Playing".