Research Colloquia

The research colloquia are open, quarterly events led by Anke Schäfer. Registration is required for participation. Please use the form below.

Upcoming research colloquium:

Upcoming: Interdisciplinary  research colloquium on November 21 at 7.00 p.m UST+1 with Ofer Edelstein, Ephrat Huss & Menny Malka – Boosting Resilience: Photovoice as a Tool for Promoting Well-Being, Social Cohesion, and Empowerment 

To register use the form below

Feel welcome to have a look on the documentation of our past research colloquia

Research circles

New: Research Circle “We do Research! – Doing research!”
In this new working group we develop specific and practice-based ideas for possible research projects in daily drama therapy practice.
Informed by arts-based approaches, this group is supervised by Sabine Koch and Anke Schäfer when required. – First online meeting planned in February 2024. Take part, join us!

Contact: Björn Kaltwasser,

If you have further suggestions for research circles, contact us. A working group should consist of about five people and meet quarterly. The findings that emerge at the meetings can be documented and be discussed in a special annual research circle colloquium.

Possible research circle topics could be (e.g.):

  1. Funding for drama therapy / “Theatertherapie” research projects
  2. What can research by non-academics look like?
  3. What could research tandems look like? Academics in exchange with practitioners

Please submit further suggestions:

Special research group on ritual research (Ingrid Lutz)

(further information will follow)

    Registration for the Research Colloquia

    First Name*

    Last Name*







    Your Message:
    (Please indicate the reasearch circle that you want to participate in)

    I am a memberer of the DGfT? NeinJa

    I am a member of the WfKT? NeinJa

    *required fields